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DIY – Creating patio furniture

During the pandemic I wasn’t able to go to the gym. So while going stir crazy I started saying to myself I want to build this locker in my den.But since I had no prior experience I decided to tackle creating patio furniture. Checked out the price on some decent pieces that I didn’t even like and said I guess I’ll DIY this.

Next stop YouTube 😳. How hard could it be ? So I said let’s start off simple. I borrowed a miter saw from my brother-in-law and went to Home Depot or was it Lowes. It doesn’t even matter. In the end I bought some cedar and used a pre set plan someone had for free on their website.

It was so simple I couldn’t make just one. So I made two and then I had help or kinda got help

It was like you cut your own legos. But there so many different variations online to copy I got creative. After the first one I got a kregg and used pocket holes only. When means no visible screw holes.

Next management says that she’d stain and treat them because they weren’t a color she approved of. Interesting fact is if my life was on the line I can’t paint to save. Got figure you can’t have it all.

So two chairs in I say “why can’t I make a bigger chair?” So back to the inter webs and YouTube I find a walkthrough.

Now management says we need padding and cushions to make the set complete

So a few days later we had new patio furniture. FYI I made the center table out of my head from scrap left over pieces.

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